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Friday, April 27, 2007

Gakuen Alice ★ Chapter 69 - Brief Summary

I was suppose to write on Wed. but I came home late. I'm not even working on Chapter 70 anymore. I am working on Chapter 78. I can't believe. Don't worry, I write Chapter 70 in Summary form. I am SO busy. My Piano Exam is coming soon, Profilos, lots of TESTES, and Gakuen Alice Translating. I am so worried about my Piano Exam since I haven't even got ready for it hardly. unhappy.

JUST TO LET YOU KNOW: My Dad readied this chapter to me. I don't remember this so well but eh. I am mostly writing this by memory. Looking at the Manga and back is so hard. I will still add the pictures though.

Just watching Gakuen Alice starting from Episode 1. Re-watching, I should say.




Chapter 69:

Everyone is worried. Tsubasa told them to get Mikan away from here quickly.

"So Hot..."

Mikan then hears a voice....

"[Mikan],whatever happens,give this child the power to pass them all. Be strong..[Mikan]..."

We see that a woman with long hair is saying this. She looks pragnet and then we see her with a baby in her arms. (This should be Mikan's Mother.)

"A wish?..."

"And One can protect someone that's dear to you..."

"Someone strong...and good....who are you....?"

Mikan and her friends are finally out of the place. They meet up with Tono. Tono hears that Persona had used his Alice. Tsubasa asks if Tono can help Mikan using his Alice. Tono says that's stupid and that he can't do anything. The best place is the hospital but Persona's Alice isn't an something that can be healed easily so the hospital might not help.

Everyone looked a little bit depressed but then Tono said that Hotaru's brother might help. It seems that Hotaru's brother was harmed by a monster in the "Junior High Underground Basement". The Monster is Persona.

So they went to find Hotaru's brother. Sakurano (The High School's Principal, I think) was there with Hotaru's brother. Hotaru's brother was disgusted when he saw them. (They were all dirty and stuff) Anyway, Imai-san (Brother) just quickly asked Tono to help and started examined Mikan.

Imai-San said that it might not work. While they are doing that, everyone started to tell the whole story. How they entered the forbidden place and started fighting Rui and Hayate then fight PERSONA and saved Aoi.
Tono is seriously mad. Sakurano isn't really happy about this and wants them to get out.

Natsume then says that it's his flant. Natsume wants to get out of the school with Aoi so they won't cause any problems anymore. Everyone couldn't believe what Natsume was saying.

All of a sudden, Mikan stands up and asked if Natsume was going away.... Everyone couldn't believe Mikan was standing.

"Out of the school?"

Natsume: Mi...

"Are you leaving?"

"Natsume...has to leave everyone?"

Ok....anyway, Sakurano says that even Natsume leaves, they will just be caught. Ruka then gets a little unhappy. He couldn't believe it. Because Aoi has no Alice anymore, Aoi should be allowed to go back home. He has some flashbacks of Natsume's father.

Tono asks if it true that Aoi has no Alice. Ruka says ya. And Tono quickly dials his cell. " If this works, we might can hide this..."

We then see Narumi and Misaki together. Narumi was told that Mikan and her friends have caused trouble in the Junior High place. It seems like something new will happen.


The story is about a non Alice girl living in the Junior High and it has cause lots of trouble. Someone called and told them this.

Students are asking about this. The Elementary Principal isn't happy about this.

All of a sudden, Mikan isn't feeling well. And it doesn't look good.....



I think I wrote this summary REALLY bad again. Oh well....I think I could have done better.

COMMENTS. Until next time ppl! BYE!!



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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Gakuen Alice ★ Chapter 68 - Brief Summary

I didn't feel like doing this today...Well,if I did a really bad summary, it's not my flaut. I was translating Chapter 78 the Manga today. I got myself a new translator (She won't be working here on summaries) which means another mouth to feed. 0_0Gao and the new translators do translations for money. Gosh. I wonder where the money comes from. I'm sorry that I didn't add pictures to the last summary. I just didn't feel like it.

There is a new feture at the forums,The Forum's Shop. It's open but there aren't much stuff there to buy yet. I add more later.



Tsubasa and Youichi have finally got rid of Rui and Hayate. Youichi used his Alice and so did Tsubasa. Youichi used his ghosts to scare and hold a lamp around Rui and Hayate while Tsubasa made them freeze for 3 hours.

They have a feel that something bad is happening. They must go to Mikan quicky!


Meanwhile, Mikan is getting blacker and blacker... Mikan askes if she'll die..

Persona says that it wasn't his flaut. It was just an " accident".

Natsume is seriously angry and uses his Alice and there's fire everywhere.

Then Persona uses an Alice Stone to stop Natsume's Alice and Natsume falls down.

Hotaru then trys to shoot Persona and Persona notices. He was about to throw the black stuff to Hotaru but Mikan pushes Persona. Persona gets mad and hits her with his Alice again.

Everyone screams Mikan's name. Mikan tell them not to come near her. Mikan thinks that her "black stuff" will spread to the others if they come to close. Persona tells her that it won't spread.

Mikan then tells Persona that she won't lose no matter what. Even if she dies. She tells everyone to run. Everyone could not believe it. Mikan says that it's okay for her to die since it's only one person. She wants everyone to be safe.

Aoi starts to think..she couldn't believe how Persona is acting.

Mikan keeps saying how she won't lose and that she won't let him hurt her friends.

Aoi then steps up. She asks Persona to stop. Persona tells her to go away.

Persona then has flashback of his youth. How people say that he's a monster and everything. But one person said to Persona, you are not a monster.Come here,and be by my side and I'll shall alive. (Okay, got this a little weird. The last part.)

Persona then goes really really mad and tells her to get out of his sight. He then uses his Alice on her but Mikan took the hit instand of Aoi. Mikan Pushes Persona and thinking, I won't let you hurt other people anymore!.



A man appears behind Mikan.(this man looks like Mikan's Dead Father.)

"There is no need to spread hate with these hands"


The pieces of Persona's earrings started to crack and break.

"This earring is special. Do not ever take it off. Your Alice shall never harm you face again."

Persona's face was getting blacker and blacker. His body too.


Everyone is shocked to see this. It seems like Persona's alice is affecting himself.

Hi-Sama then says that Mikan is a interesting child.

Youichi and Tsubasa finally came. Mikan is in Hotaru's hands and isn't wakeing up....

"Will Mikan ever wake?"



Another really bad summary. I don't think I did very good on this. This time I showed some pictures at lest. For Chapter 70, you won't need to read the summary. I have translated Chapter 70 ALL in english in Manga form and I hope you all can enjoy it. It's not finished yet but almost.




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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Gakuen Alice ★ Chapter 67 - Brief Summary

I see the forums. I seriously wonder if Asc and NatsumeKun are the same person. I want to make this brief again. 0_0Gao is also so times watching you guys by the way. There are some rules about these summaries.

1) Please the copy/take our work away from us, saying it yours.
2) All credits goes to PinkEverlasting for writing them, D.A.D for translating and sometimes 0_0Gao.
3) If you are going to post this or host this on another site, please contact us and put credits and a link back.

These are pretty much the NEW rules. 0_0Gao and I have been talking about them for a while.

I found what was Rose's real name and Dean's.

Enjoy this summary!!


(the first sentence was weird and a bit blurring...sry)

Persona: This girl, is someone you need Natsume.


Misaki and Tono are near the Flower Palace. Tsubasa told Misaki to call Tono for some help. Tono isn't really happy about this. They then see Nobara on the ground. Misaki asks Nobara where is Tsubasa and also Mikan and the others. Nobara says that Mikan and the others have seen her in her other side. She thought Mikan was a really great person or something and thought that Mikan would help her but now, she feels like she doesn't deserve to even be with Mikan. She asks Misaki and Tono to help Mikan.

(I really want to make this brief. I have something to do today.)

(skipping a few things)

Natsume explains about Nobara. She has split personality. And PERSONA has control over it. It is used for "work".

Persona then says that the name Ice Princess is the perfect name for Nobara. A cold and evil person.

Persona says that Natsume have lost.

Natsume burst a big fire but seems to have no effect on PERSONA. Persona has Nobara's Alice stone. So his Alice didn't work.

We then see Aoi in her cage. Aoi asks if it's Mikan but the person doesn't answer and unlocks the door. And runs away.

PERSONA said that Natsume will never see his sister again and that he'll learn his lesson by useing his friends.

Mikan screams at Persona that she won't let him. Persona uses his Alice and Ruka jumps in front of her and uses his Alice and mice came to protact them.

Everyone is shock...

"PERSONA's Alice...."


Aoi:Where....Mikan?.....Is it you ------?

(NOTE: ------ is one of PERSONA's names that I don't really brother sounding out.)

Persona: Snow Qui?
Mikan: Aoi!

Aoi is in front of Natusme.

Aoi: You are...You are...

"Remeber faster Aoi! Natsume is"

Hotaru and Ruka then fell to the floor.

Mikan: Hotaru! Ruka! AH! (falls to the ground too)

Hotaru: Mikan!

Some guy on PERSONA's side has use these bees are sting them. And when they get stinged, they freeze.

Natusme tells Aoi to Run. He said that he will keep his promise this time and protact her.


Aoi: Bro...ther..

So anyways, Aoi is starting to remember.

While Aoi and Natsume were still standing there, Someone has set out an actack. Mikan stands right in front of them to protact them but doesn't work...

PERSONA: Quicky come here, Aoi.

Persona walks nearer and nearer to Natsume and Aoi. It looks like PERSONA is about to touch Natsume's face. Mikan pushes PERSONA away.

PERSONA is pissed and his mask fell off.

Ruka: Mikan!

Mikan: ah...

"The getting black..."

Persona then say that Mikan was stupid to touch him without his mask. He says that she brought her own death...



This was one of those short, bad summaries. I really think I did a bad job for this one. There was so much words and PERSONA speaks too much and weird words. D.A.D doesn't like how PERSONA talks since sometimes it is so hard to translate and I didn't even really brother reading/translating much.

I hope I do better next time.


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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Gakuen Alice ★ Chapter 66 - Brief Summary

I have decide to make it Brief again. Not sure if I can make it Brief but I'll try. Studying,Website,summaries and watching anime is alittle too much sometimes. So....We are getting near to Season 3 aren't we? If we fellow the anime, season 1 is over. Did you know that episode 23,24,25 and 26 were not in to anime? If season 2 started after 26 then season 2 should be finished soon cause after Chapter 70, it seems like they started a whole new season or something. Well, can't wait to see the I-call-it Season 3.

You know about that new girl from Chapter 77? I knew it. She is an evil person. She clings around Natsume and hold hands with him. Mikan is a little unhappy about this of course. Gao0-0 said to summit a letter to the Author how much we are pissed about this but I said no.

Like I said, I will update today.

I brought Hana to Yume two month ago. I brought two volumes. One was the Feb and one was the Jan. It came with this Gakuen Alice Box and I thought the box cover looked like Mikan from this chapter's front page cover.

Doesn't it? The maid costume.

Here's the Gakuen Alice Box.

You should see the Gakuen Alice Sound Carrier Neo. I don't really know what it is but I really want it! You should also see the Gakuen Alice Candy Wrappers and Gakuen Alice Candies. Too bad I am not in Japan, If I was then I can buy all those stuff!!♥

I been downloading some songs from the Gakuen Alice OST. PERSONA's Theme was AWLSOME!! I also like Track 8. It sounds really nice. It makes me feel like crying,dancing and gives you the remember the old happy memories feel.


"Wait for us Natsume!"

Rose: Natsume....Natsume.....quickly run....please....


Meanwhile, Mikan and her friends, Hotaru and Ruka have stopped. The hall splits into three hallways. They finally decide to each take a path but Ruka is worried about this. Mikan and Hotaru then ask if Ruka was scared but he replied, "I..I am NOT scared!". Mikan and Hotaru said, " Really Rui-Chan?.." Hotaru then told everyone that if they found Natsume, contact the others using the panda headphones.

Mikan walks down the stairs and seems to be a little tired/scared. Mikan sees something like a cage and thought she saw someone. Mikan takes a look around and then a hand taps her .......


Mikan then thought: A Girl? The girl asks "You are..."

We come to a small part where Hi-Sama is talking but I just want to skip.

Mikan sees this young girl and thinks "Why would a girl be in a place like this?"

Mikan:You are....
Mikan: I am Elementary Side's .....Mikan....
Mikan: Your a student from the Academy? ...I never seen you before...

Mikan: This child SO CUTE ♥!!
Girl: You!!

The girl and Mikan seem to be very happy talking to each other. All of a sudden, the girl grabs Mikan's Face and starts to touch it.

Mikan: This child's eyes....She can't see....

Girl: It's just like I thought! Mikan is also very Cute!!

Mikan: Wait...Her eyes can't see....She can't be...

Mikan: You name is ?!!! .... Class!? ....Why are you here?!

Girl: ...I am not from this school.

"Ruka's description of Natsume's Little sister..."

"She looks like Aoi!"

Girl: My name is Snow Qui (Aoi).

"This child said she's Aoi!"

(Ok, let's make this short)

Aoi then say that there is someone that is looking for a cure for for eyes. Aoi is very thankful for this person and will try to protect this person or something. Aoi believes that even though the door is locked, they don't mean to lock her. It's because a accident happened a long time ago and ------- saved her. Blah,Blah. Even though ----- is nice, if he sees Mikan, he might get a little mad.

So Mikan keeps trying telling that ----- really isn't nice. ----- is PERSONA. By Aoi doesn't believe her. Aoi also said that ------- have stayed in this cage when he was young. ----- is giving Aoi a chance. Aoi has lost her old memories. So she doesn't remember having an Alice or Natsume by the way.

Mikan then says "Aoi, let's go"


Hotaru has found Natsume. Mikan runs to there place.

Mikan: Hotaru!

Mikan: Ruka!

"A snowstorm?"

"The air is cold..."

Natsume: Mikan....

Mikan: Natsume!

Hotaru: Mikan! Watch out!

(something tries to hit Mikan but Mikan is okay)

Ruka: Quickly come here to Natsume's side!

Hotaru: It's the "Ice" Alice.


Natsume: Mikan, give me your power. (Mikan, lend me your power)
Natsume:Use my and your alice to get thought this.

Mikan then see Rose....Rose looks kind of weird, she being controled or something.

Rose: Everyone....Run away....

So, anyway, Rose tells everyone to get away.

Rose: I beg of you teacher......stop this....


Rose: Mi .... Kan..

Rose has finally seem to be okay. Rose then runs away. Her eyes look okay.

PERSONA: I can't believe the nullification alice broke the spell. I will remember this...

"PERSONA, The person that took away everyone's smiles!"


That didn't seem very short......more like a bit long....Oh well. any way. COMMENT!! I WANT COMMENTS.

After some studying.....Rose's real name is Nobara. I might change it into Nobara in my future summaries.

That is all.


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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Next Update is on April 4, Wedsday

I think people are visting this website so I decided to at lest imform. I quite busy with tests and exams these days so I can't update. I'll update tomroow cause some of my exams are over. I have a long hoilday this week so I get break. I'll update on April 4.

PS. Remember I told you about the new girl that's coming to Mikan's Classroom. I knew it. She was SO SO EVIL. I knew the new girl was trying to take Natsume away from Mikan. She always get things her way... So pissed now...


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