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Thursday, August 31, 2006

Gakuen Alice-The 3 kisses taht Mikan got

Finally writeing again. I leaveing for the airport in......less then 24 hours. I write again in sep 4 or 5. First day of middle school!! YAY. This episode number I forgot. this episode came after the christamas party. We are still at christmas party.

On Last epsiode of Gakuen Alice:

Youichi see Mr.bear and wants it.
Mikan:don't worry I'll get it for U!!!
Hotoru: Really? U can?
Mr.bear:[gives out a evil look]
Mikan:[gulp] I will do it!
Mr.bear: If u clean up the whole ballroom then I'll play with Youichi.
Mikan: I really want to be nice and clean for the dance but now I'm dirty an sweaty...
Youichi:[comes and sit on her]Thanks for the bear.

[Youichi the little kid starts to like Mikan. And sometimes he sit with her when Natsume ad Ruka are busy]

Youichi:[kisses Mikan on the cheek][sees bear and starts to run]
Ruka: [Blah blah I forgot][I readed this like two months ago]
Ruka:[kisses Mikan]-not sure on the cheek or lips but....]
Ruka:[he said somwthing about secert about this kiss]
This Episode starts:

Nokoco: Mikan,which mask do u want? The butterfly one or the sharper one?
Mikan: I like the butterfly one better.
Mikan: [Sees Ruka and quicky puts on mask][shy about the kiss]
-somwhow they got here , I skiped a little cause I forgot-
Ruka: Natsume?
Natsume: M?
Ruka: Why don't u go dance with Mikan?[Pushes Natsume]
Natsume: What is up with that? [Ruka runs away]

Mikan N' Natsume looking arround donno what to do

Natsume: Since there is notthing to do and Ruka wants this "do u want to dance?"
Mikan:[thinks about lots of stuff and is scared]
Mikan: mm?
Natsume:Why are u so quite? When u were danceing with Ruka , u were laughing and smileing an talking and stuff.
Mikan: aa.....
Couple #1: [bumps Mikan and Natsume] Sry!
They fall down. Mikan falls on top of Natsume. Everyone hears big thump. Looks and them. Everyone shock!!!!
Mikan and Natsume fell on top of each other mouth to mouth.
Everyone goes to MADDNESS!!!
Sumire starts screaming!
lincho starts being dizzy.
Hotaru notthing.
Others shocked.

Untill next time. Don't worry. It won't be long. I'll come back earlyer then the date I put. Wait. Do I still have internet over there? I havent been in back for two months.How can Mom pay the internet bill while we were in hong Kong! How long will it take to get internet back?! OMG I forgot about these things. Oh well, untill next time!
Site Meter

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Comments from old website

2 days ago
Gakuan Alice 55-Part 3 (Entry Link)

Re: mikan natsume
Ruka also kisses Mikan....

(Comment Link) (Reply to this)
2 days ago
Gakuan Alice 55-Part 3 (Entry Link)

Re: lol
Yes, you r right. It's Persona...

(Comment Link) (Reply to this)
3 days ago
Gakuan Alice 55-Part 3 (Entry Link)

this is nalia9unger from youtube
i really want the rest for 47 please

(Comment Link) (Reply to this)
6 days ago
Gakuan Alice 47 - The Christmas Party (Entry Link)

more more i want more of this one

(Comment Link) (Reply to this)
6 days ago
Gakuan Alice 55-Part 3 (Entry Link)

mikan natsume
i heard that i he chirsmas party one natsume kisses mikan

(Comment Link) (Reply to this)
6 days ago
Gakuan Alice 55-Part 3 (Entry Link)

Re: lol
OH AND I THINK "HE" oops didnt mean caps is persona

(Comment Link) (Reply to this)
6 days ago
Gakuan Alice 55-Part 3 (Entry Link)

thats was sooooooo funny/cute please please please do more PLEASE!!!!!

(Comment Link) (Reply to this)
1 week ago
Gakuan Alice 55-Part 2 (Entry Link)

gakuan alice 55-part 2
what!?why are you stopping when will you write the next part ill be checking l8r on ty for ur hard work. this is so cute natsume is goin to sleep with mikan

(Comment Link) (Reply to this)
1 week ago
Gakuan Alice 54- New Years Day Porblem (Entry Link)

do more please

(Comment Link) (Reply to this)
1 week ago
Gakuan Alice 54- New Years Day Porblem (Entry Link)

Gakurn Alice
aww..dat sounds soo cute!! pls write more summaries about gakuen alice..ur d best!

Gakuan Alice [episode number I forgot fourty something I think]-- Hotaru! Plz don't die!

Aug. 23rd, 2006 | 10:09 am

preview of the Last episode: Mikan and ppl were talking about a group of ppl call "zero". They are a very dangerous ppl.

[After talking about zero]

Someone: Have you heard? A group of dangerous ppl have enter our school and they say the group is call zero.

[I don't really remember why they were talking about zero but Mikan mom will come in the story soon.]

[PAC:Everyone in the school plz listen!! All students may not leave there classroom or dorms. I repeat All students may not leave there classroom or dorms. All high school student plz come to the offie!!

Mikan:What did u say?
Natsume and Ruka: We have to get there!
Milkan:I want to come too!
Teacher: No wait!! [chaseing them]

[Hotaru flys by]

Mikan: Hotaru!
Hotaru: I'm going to see what is going on..
Mikan: Let me come with you!!

[Gets on the fly duck motercyler]

Mikan wispers to Hotaru.

They both make faces at Natsume and Ruka.
[Flys away]
Teacher: Miss.Hotaru! Miss.Mikan!

Mikan: the trees for zero...
bang! bang!

Zero member 1#: We have to get to a safe place!
Bang Bang!!.....More bangs and blah blah blah I forgot...


Zero comes where Hotaru and Mikan is.

Hotaru: We have to get out of here!
Mikan: ok!
[Start walking slowly]
Zero #1: why are there children here?
Zero#2: Forget about them! We need a place to hide!
Zero #3 [he/she is bindfolded]: Comes to Mikan and is about to touch her.
Hotaru remembers something: 'One of the members of Zero can take ppl's alices"
Hotaru: Mikan!

Alice Police comes: I found them! Bang!
Zero: bang! [the shot was about to aim at mikan]
Hotaru: Get down!
[Hotaru pushes her down]
Mikan: Hotaru? R u okay? Hotaru!
Mikan hand touches Hotaru's sholder.
Sees blood! Hotaru took the shot!
Mikan: HOTARU!!
I'm so sorry!! I don't really remember this episode very very well. I don't have the book with me. So i might have skip some stuff. Bye...

Gikuan Alice 19 ~ Special report ~ AND also Episode 20

Aug. 20th, 2006 | 01:41 pm

Episode 20 read it here.

Different stuff in anim and manga: Mikan Dance wit more ppl in the manga. She dances with Iinchō,Narumi,some guy wit long hands and Tsubasa. When he ask mikan he was embaress....

Natsume and Ruka never talk about mikan. They were never together in the dance really....

I never watch ep.20 in anime form. Only Memento...Comparing Memento to Manga. Taht is all.

Go here to read Gakuen Alice ep.19.

In th manga it's different.

When the play started Mikan (prince)vist Ruka (snow White)
and mikan gives Ruka a rose. Mikan didn' do a very good job so everybody doesn't really get it.

When the animals came to greet Ruka in the play, Ruka couldn't contral his alice and Ruka and the animals started getting lovely dovly.... and everyone started too vomit and lagh.

When Sumire starts to talk to the mirror who is the best. Mirror said not her and she got mad and broke the mirror and everyone knew the mirror was fake.

--They sure don't know how to do a real play--

When the hunter wanted to kiss him the hunter started laughing and Ruka started runing an teh animals started actaking...what a mess....

After the hunter part came the apple part in the anime right?(I didn't watch the anime cause my dad was too busy to read chinese...)
In the Manga 6 little duffe came. And they started sing and stuff....Somehow Natsume came in and one of the duffe said the mountian cat is my best firend and natsume said cat!!?
an gave out some werid waves that made everyone feel like someone si dead or something...

Then the apple part came. But in the Manga there was no fight. Natsume didn't throw an apple at them when they kiss in the manga. He throw a book. Hotaru turn off the lights and ya.....

They take a bow in the play. Hotaru and Natsume was thinking the same thing. That was close I think they were thinking... Ruka and Mikan weren't happy...It wasn't fair they were thinking...

I was bad at tranlasting some senttences in the manga. I'm still sick. i type this really fast. Didn't write in good sentences. Didn't do anything abou spelling. I was coughing and coughing while doing this.....ju doing this for fun.


Gakuan Alice 55-Part 3

Aug. 16th, 2006 | 05:10 pm

NEW UPDate!! Since there are lots of ppl that go to this site. I going new this to my anime website. I'm trying move it but I'm sick right so I can't update untill Firday.(I'm not subpost to go on the computer now) I'm just telling u ppl that.
Go to to see if I have any new any updates!!!

YAY!! I'm doing part 3..... I didn't want to but there this person said she wants me to so I guess I'll do it but remember. I need comments!! If I don't see one then I think no one is reading this so i won't write anymore.

*Everything I write here on this website is not proof readed ,garmmer checked or even spell checked sometimes.


Night: Mikan goes to Natsume room....[poor mikan....]

Everyone comes to Natsume's door and starts peeking..
(People that are peeking are: Yome, Yome look alike,Sumire and Iinchō.)

Tsubasa comes in and kicks everybody out.

[people gone]

Mikan: Stop holding my hand...
Mikan was about to throw a happy face ball at him...

Mikan stares at him
Natsume:Sorry....that I'm not....Ruka...
[Mikan confused and shocked and confused]

[they sleep together in he same bed]
Natsume:[stares at the ceilling]
Natsume:There is no need to hold hands anymore.


Mikan:Hey,R u awake?

Natsume:I'm sleeping dummy...

[Note:The New years party can't have guys.]

Mikan:The event is going to start tomorow...

Natsume: Didn't I say I was sleeping.


Hotaru's Room:

Hotaru is wearing a hemt while sleeping with Ruka.
Ruka is still holding Youichi because Natsume with Mikan...

Ruka seem sad...[Hotaru can't see if Ruka is sad or not becasue she not faceing him but she still knows.]

Hotaru: Do u raelly think Mikan and Natsume hands are really stuck together? The power say bodies will be stuck together but there backs aren't. Instand, there hands are.

Ruka: Ahhh......

Ruka is about to answer but...

Ho Ho Ho....I'm going it end it here BYE!!


Mikan: HEY! HEY! R u awake?

Natsume:Can u just be quite for a sec?....[Hugs mikan Down..]

What the heck? He hugs her for the night....The person who wrote this book has.........donno.....

I wasn't going to do part 4 today but I was bored so I will.
I didn't want to waste pages....
Mikan: [thinking]I really want to go to the party
Mikan: Natsume: Are you awake? HEY! HEY!

[She sits up an starts shaking him.]

Natsume:Can you plz be qutie for a sec....

[hugs her down on the bed..] (OMG......)

Mikan:Hey! Hey!....[somehow she starts thinking and then falls asleep...]

Tsubasa: Wake up!!
Mikan:[wakes up][she see herself kissing his forehead and hugging him]

Mikan: It's really not me!!![then tells what happen last night]
Natsume: I really did that? i don't remember it...
Tsubasa: I just recevied this letter. It said that Ruka and Natsume can go to the party but in a indenty of a girl.

Mikan: what does that mean?

[End of episode 55]
Preview for epsisode 56:

Rose: Mikan! Mikan! Why is Natsume here?!!
Rose: Mikan! Listen to me! Bring him out of here!!
Rose: Or he's going to get him!!
who is going to get Natsume?! Who knows. Not even me. Book 11 is not out yet..... I have read 56 in manga but that is the last episode I got. I'll be tell about the other episodes like mikan two christmas kisses and the Christmas party and Mikan meets her Mom.

Sugar Sugar Rune 1

Aug. 15th, 2006 | 08:38 pm

Update: Aug 15, 2006-
Sugar Sugar Rune Episode 1 UP
Gakuan Alice 55 part 1 - UP

Go watch Sugar Sugar Rune part 1 here

Part 2:
[part 1 ends with Chocolat getting Akira's heart.]

The heart comes to her. Akira forget why did that girl seem so familiar and forgets what he wanted to say..

Choco holds the heart in her hand happily.
Akira remember what he was going t say to choco ad runs back to her.

Akira:Hey! Mocha!

Chocolat: My name is not Mocha!!What do u want?!

Akira: Yesterday, were u flying in the air with that other
student and that Robin rock star guy?

Choco:[shocked!!] [drops the heart]

Akira picks it up.

Choco: Give it back!!

Akira: No...

Choco: Ok, yesterday I was flying with Vanilla and Robin yesterday.

Akira: Don't worry!! I keep ur secret about being an alien.

Choco:Ailen?...Ok now give it back!!

Akira: How can I? This is Alien stuff, it's rare!!

They chase each other, Chocolat tackles him. Heart flies out to a guy's hands on the stairs.

Choco: Give me back my heart!!

Guy: I didn't even take it. [gives back]

Choco:[she felt his hands while getting back the heart]
Choco thinks: There so cold!!

Guy: aren't u going to say thank you?

Choco: Why should I say thank you?

Choco runs.

Choco: That guy reminds me of a portral of the ice prince...His hands were so cold....

[End of episode one]

PS. This is the Manga story. Not the TV one. Might be different.

Gakuan Alice 55-Part 2

Aug. 15th, 2006 | 01:06 pm

Sorry that I haven't wrote so long. I was a little busy but here u go!! I'm so happy that ppl r reading this!! I thought no one was ,haha, so I'll con....(Writing this in another form.)

PS.I am reading Gakuan Alice in Chinese since the english one isn't out yet. I might get some translations worng. And the grammer here might be worng.

Mikan is confused and whispers to Natsume [why r u holding my hand and why r u lieing?]

Natsume:If u tell I'll kill you....[whisper]

Mikan: Ehh..... [A cobra and frog picture comes out. Mikan is the frog and Natsume is the cobra.(This is from the manga)]

Everyone trys to pull Hotaru and Ruka away from each other...

Tsubasa: Well, it' only 3 days...he he he... [everyone looks at him with anger...]Well, looks like Hotaru and Mikam aren't going to the New years Party. [donno if I mention this but H and M are going to this party but they don't let boys in]

Mikan Sad...

Natsume grabs her to the toilet.

Mikan: What are u doing?
Natsume: I just don't want u to pee all over places [Donno if I got this translation hard to translate Chinese to english]

Nonoko and Anna: Mikan and Natsume just don't get along...but Ruka and Hotaru [looks at them] they do.

[Ruka and Hotaru are sitting down. Hotaru drinks a cup of tea and Ruka has to take care of Youichi (little kid who is always with Natsume) because Natsume is too busy with Mikan.

Dinner Time:

Mikan: why do these stuff always happen to me...

Ruka: Sorry Mikan...R u okay?

Mikan: I'm fine, no worries. Ruka is so nice, it would have been better if i was stuck with him...

Yome(mind reading guy): So u like Ruka?

Mikan:No!! That kind of way!! ....con saying no no I don......

Natsume looks at Mikan....

I'm going to stop here for now....
Next part: Mikan has to sleep with the guy. OMG.....

Gakuan Alice 54- New Years Day Porblem

Aug. 10th, 2006 | 10:04 am

I'm doing this first cause I have the book right now but I got to return this today.

It's Hotaru's Birthday an everyone is happy. Milkan notices that Natsume is sort of sleeping again... Hotaru was opening her gifts and she found a card say she is invite the high school new years party. Elementary children can't go to that party unless they are chosen. Milkan hears the story about the party and really wants to go. It said that if u find a glowing pearl that belong to some high school girl , u can go to this party. While looking for it, all of a sudden a big force made Ruka and Hotaru stick together back to back,Nonoko and Anna got stuck side to side,Yome and some look a like Yome guy got stuck together forehead to nose and last but not lest, Milkan and Natsume got stuck together back to side. Then Tsubasa said that he put some body sticking power in to the rice cakes that they just ate. He was trying out this power out for revenge for a friend of his. Everyone screams at him and Milkan starts to cry. Then Mikan starts thinking.... [if Natsume and I got stuck together that means Natsume ate my rice cake that I made..] (PS.PPl that got stuck together ate rice cakes from each other.) Milkan asks Natsume that did he ate her rice cake. Natsume answers that the rice cak she made was so bad that he couldn't eat it. ( I didn't get the rest so lets skip a page!) Milkan gets out her red envelope and find the glowing pearl!! Mikan is very happy and so is everyone. Tsubasa said that the sticking power should stop sticking in an hour.

[An hour later....]
Tsubasa said that the power should stop sticking now but everyone is still stuck together. Misaki reads the back of the bag of sticking power. "If the power and the cells match, it might stick up to 3 days!!" Everyone is shocked. Everyone is now u unstuck but Hotaru and Ruka. Milkan and Natsume are really unstuck but Natsume grabs Mikan hand really hard and say to everyone that they are still stuck even though they are not. Mikan thinks this is werid.

Gakuan Alice 47 - The Christmas Party

I'm writing this by memory so I might miss a few things.

Aug. 9th, 2006 | 08:25 pm

This episode starts.

Teacher Narumi comes in to the classroom and announce that there is a Christmas Party comming soon. Everyone get excited. But Mikan, who is still new to school, hasn't been to the Alice Christmas Party. Her friends Nonoko and Anna tells Milkan that the party most exciting event is the dance. Before the dance everyone puts on a mask. People dance without knowing who are they dancing with. If u want to know who are you dancing with ask that person if they can take off his/her mask. But you got to take of ur's too then. The party first starts with the food,gift catching then the dance. Everyone is very excited.

Sry if my gammer and spelling isn't good. I didn't bother to check my gammer and spelling and I wrote this very fast. I'll be writing more later......

Manga Summies

Aug. 6th, 2006 | 09:20 pm

I opened an account cause I wanted to post Manga summaries. Shows like Gakuen Alice and Sugar Sugar Rune and more aren't in Youtube or the story just stop. It's summer and I get to rent manga books so I deside to post what I read. Right now I'm reading Sugar Sugar Rune 2. I'll post summaries about Gakuan Alice someother day.