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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Gakuan Alice [episode number I forgot fourty something I think]-- Hotaru! Plz don't die!

Aug. 23rd, 2006 | 10:09 am

preview of the Last episode: Mikan and ppl were talking about a group of ppl call "zero". They are a very dangerous ppl.

[After talking about zero]

Someone: Have you heard? A group of dangerous ppl have enter our school and they say the group is call zero.

[I don't really remember why they were talking about zero but Mikan mom will come in the story soon.]

[PAC:Everyone in the school plz listen!! All students may not leave there classroom or dorms. I repeat All students may not leave there classroom or dorms. All high school student plz come to the offie!!

Mikan:What did u say?
Natsume and Ruka: We have to get there!
Milkan:I want to come too!
Teacher: No wait!! [chaseing them]

[Hotaru flys by]

Mikan: Hotaru!
Hotaru: I'm going to see what is going on..
Mikan: Let me come with you!!

[Gets on the fly duck motercyler]

Mikan wispers to Hotaru.

They both make faces at Natsume and Ruka.
[Flys away]
Teacher: Miss.Hotaru! Miss.Mikan!

Mikan: the trees for zero...
bang! bang!

Zero member 1#: We have to get to a safe place!
Bang Bang!!.....More bangs and blah blah blah I forgot...


Zero comes where Hotaru and Mikan is.

Hotaru: We have to get out of here!
Mikan: ok!
[Start walking slowly]
Zero #1: why are there children here?
Zero#2: Forget about them! We need a place to hide!
Zero #3 [he/she is bindfolded]: Comes to Mikan and is about to touch her.
Hotaru remembers something: 'One of the members of Zero can take ppl's alices"
Hotaru: Mikan!

Alice Police comes: I found them! Bang!
Zero: bang! [the shot was about to aim at mikan]
Hotaru: Get down!
[Hotaru pushes her down]
Mikan: Hotaru? R u okay? Hotaru!
Mikan hand touches Hotaru's sholder.
Sees blood! Hotaru took the shot!
Mikan: HOTARU!!
I'm so sorry!! I don't really remember this episode very very well. I don't have the book with me. So i might have skip some stuff. Bye...

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